Boxcar's Year in Review: 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, it’s a great time to reflect on everything we’ve achieved at Boxcar in the last 12 months. It’s been a year of amazing growth for us, which has allowed us to help more commuters and communities than ever before.
Right now, we’ve got 5,000 active customers (vs. 2,000 in 2018). In 2019, those customers booked over 120,000 reservations - 70,000+ parking spaces in 43 cities, and 50,000 bus reservations along our 3 luxury commuter bus routes. I hope that each of those 5,000 customers’ commutes were made a little bit easier because of our app.
It’s not just commuters that benefit from Boxcar, though. Our parking partners, many of whom are churches and community organizations, receive a majority of the money from each parking reservation. The income they earn by renting out this previously unused resource helps them pay for the important work they do, making it easier for them, in turn, to help the community.
In 2019, the churches we partner with earned $83,000+ from parking. Non-profit art centers received over $9,000, and American Legions, VFWs and Masonic Temples earned over $2,000. In towns where Boxcar manages the municipal parking, those municipalities earned $90,000+. This is especially important for towns, where every dollar counts toward balancing the budget. We also paid more than $165,000 to small businesses, taking some of the financial strain off of those business owners.
Getting involved in the communities we serve is one of my favorite parts of working for Boxcar – I love knowing that we are not only making life easier for people, but helping support the events and causes that are important to them. In 2019 we sponsored a number of things near and dear to our customers' hearts. They included Chatham and Madison Little Leagues, the Sunshine Striders Fun Run to support Cycle for Survival, the Madison Education Foundation, Milton Ave School’s annual silent auction, the Chatham Turkey Trot, Cranford’s Firecracker 4 Miler, the Cranford Tuff Paddle, and a drunk driving prevention event in Madison.
Thank you for helping make 2019 Boxcar’s best year yet. There are lots of great things in the pipeline for 2020 – we can’t wait to share them with you!