June 1, 2019
Boxcar's Game of Thrones Pool: Final Results

Well Game of Thrones is finally over. In an homage to George RR Martin's general tardiness we thought we'd slow-roll the release of our pool winners as well as give everyone the chance to get caught up who wanted to get caught up so as to reduce spoilers. Congrats to our dual winners, who will split the $100 pot and each receive $50 in credit as well as unlimited bragging rights for eternity.
Final status (SPOILERS)
- Bran Stark - Alive - King of Westeros
- Daenerys Targaryen - Dead
- Jon Snow - Alive
- Sansa Stark - Alive
- Gendry - Alive
- Arya Stark - Alive
- The Night King - Dead
- Tyrion Lannister - Alive
- Varys - Dead
- Jamie Lannister - Dead
- Samwell Tarly - Alive
- Cersei Lannister - Dead
- Euron Greyjoy - Dead
- Tormund Giantsbane - Alive
- The Mountain - Dead
- The Hound - Dead
- Yara Greyjoy - Alive
- Davos Seaworth - Alive
- Brienne of Tarth - Alive

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